The effects of the pandemic have been apparent across Indonesia. High unemployment being worsened by COVID-19 outbreak. Many children and elderly people struggle with hunger. That’s why Pundi Amal Bakti Ummat Foundation (PABU) is doing our part through collecting donations to help those who in need in our community.

All donations will go to The Miracle Box Program to feed our local children and elderly people through the pantry pack program. This program has been running for a long time and is successful. Our members and our team raised Rp. 60.000.000,-/month to provide sufficient meals.
Let’s help each other and share goodness by donating to Pundi Amal Bakti Ummat foundation to help Many children and elderly people struggle with hunger. Because the good we do will come back to us.

Insha Allah, none of our prayers will be in vain… Aamiin
Warm regards and Thank you!
Let’s hunt for the reward of this good program, as an investment for savings for our good deeds.
Let’s contribute to helping orphans, poor people, and underprivileged.
Help us to continue to do good by helping our less fortunate brothers and sisters.
Please contact PABU Volunteers or Transfer to :

Together with you, we can make a difference to the hunger people.